Después de aprender Conjunctions, en esta lección aprenderemos Stative Verbs
Hay 2 tipos de verbos en inglés: Dynamic Verbs (actions: walk, talk, watch, play, stand) y Stative Verbs (not actions)
Rule!!: Stative Verbs can never be used in the Continuous form (ing)
- Correct: Michael needs to buy some shorts to go to the beach
- Incorrect: Michael is needing to buy some shorts to go to the beach
Most commonly used Stative Verbs
- Like (gustar)
- Love (amar)
- Hate (odiar)
- Want (querer)
- Need (necesitar)
- Prefer (preferir)
- Agree (estar de acuerdo)
- Mind (importar)
- Own (poseer)
- Hear (oir)
- Disagree (estar en desacuerdo)
- Satisfy (satisfacer)
- Doubt (dudar)
- Wish (desear)
- Dislike (disgustar)
- Deserve (merecer)
- Lack (carecer)
- Know (saber)
- Suppose (suponer)
- Mean (significar)
- Understand (entender)
- Believe (creer0
- Remember (recordar)
- Recognize (recordar)
- Appear (aparecer)
- Taste (probar)
- Please (complacer)
- Think (pensar)
- Imagine (imaginar)
- Be (ser)
- Belong (pertenecer)
- Contain (contener)
- Fit (quedar)
- Consist (consistir)
- Depend (depender)
- See (ver)
- Impress (impresionar)
- Surprise (sorprender)
- Feel (opinion) (opinar)
- Concern (preocuparse)
- Have (tener)
- Include (incluir)
- Smell (oler)
- Realize (darse cuenta)
- Promise (prometer)
Some verbs can be both stative and dynamic:
Be – be is usually a stative verb, but when it is used in the continuous it means «behaving» or «acting«
- you are stupid = it’s part of your personality
- you are being stupid = only now, not usually
- think (stative) = have an opinion
I think that coffee is great - think (dynamic) = consider, have in my head
what are you thinking about? I’m thinking about my next holiday
- have (stative) = own
I have a car - have (dynamic) = part of an expression
I’m having a party / a picnic / a bath / a good time / a break
- see (stative) = see with your eyes / understand
I see what you mean
I see her now, she’s just coming along the road - see (dynamic) = meet / have a relationship with
I’ve been seeing my boyfriend for three years
I’m seeing Robert tomorrow
- taste (stative) = has a certain taste
This soup tastes great
The coffee tastes really bitter - taste (dynamic) = the action of tasting
The chef is tasting the soup
(‘taste’ is the same as other similar verbs such as ‘smell’)
En la próxima lección aprenderemos Will vs. Going to.