Present Perfect Continuous

Después de aprender a usar Would, en esta lección aprenderemos Present Perfect Continuous.

El Presente perfecto Continuo (Present Perfect Continuous) expresa una acción que recientemente se detuvo o aún continúa. Pone énfasis en la duración o curso de la acción. El presente perfecto continuo se forma utilizando la construcción: has/have been + the present participle (root + -ing)


I have been reading this Romeo and Juliet for a month now

En esta oración, el uso del tiempo verbal Presente perfecto Continuo (Present Perfect Continuous) transmite que leer Romeo and Juliet es una actividad que comenzó en algún momento en el pasado y aún no ha terminado en el presente (lo cual es comprensible en este caso, dada la longitud del tomo pesado de Shakespeare)

subject auxiliary verb   auxiliary verb main verb  
+ I have   been waiting for one hour.
+ You have   been talking too much.
It has not been raining.  
We have not been playing football.
? Have you   been seeing her?
? Have they   been doing their homework?


I have been I’ve been
You have been You’ve been
He has been
She has been
It has been
John has been
The car has been
He’s been
She’s been
It’s been
John’s been
The car’s been
We have been We’ve been
They have been They’ve been

Recently y lately son palabras que a menudo encontramos con verbos en Presente perfecto Continuo (Present Perfect Continuous)


Mia has been competing in flute competitions recently (And she will continue to do so)

I haven’t been feeling well lately. (And I am still sick now)

Have you seen my wallet and keys recently? (Because I sure don’t know where they are)

Por supuesto, no todos los verbos son compatibles con la acción continua. Algunos ejemplos de tales verbos to be, to arrive, and to own



  • I have been owning my Mazda since 2007
  • Gus has been being late for work recently


  • I have owned my Mazda since 2007. (present perfect tense)
  • Gus has been late for work recently. (present perfect tense)

En la próxima lección veremos Adverbs of Manner.