Going to / Future Continuous

Después de aprener los Phrasal Verbs, en esta lección aprenderemos Going to / Future Continuous.

En inglés, Going to y Future Continous a menudo se usan en inglés americano como una forma de hablar sobre algo que sucederá en un momento dado en el futuro. Going to y Future Continuous son otras 2 formas de expresar una acción en el futuro. Ya estamos familiarizados con el presente simple.

¿Cómo hacemos que el futuro sea continuo?

La estructura del Future Continous es:

Future Continuous (remember: no stative verbs) :

Subject + will be + verb(ing) + complement

  • I will be living in Phoenix in 2025.
  • The students will be speaking English after they finish the course.
  • The new president will be stealing from the people immediately after he wins.


  • Will you be studying another language?
  • What will you be doing in 10 years?
  • Will you be home on Friday night?
  • Will you eat after class?
  • Will you be living in Chihuahua 20 years from now?
  • Will your father going to retire soon?

Para oraciones negativas en el Future Continous, insertamos «not«entre will y be, la contracción es «won’t«. Para oraciones de preguntas, intercambiamos el sujeto y will. Mira estos ejemplos de oraciones con el tiempo Future Continous:

  • I will not go to school tomorrow if it continues raining
  • I won’t do my homework tonight
  • She won’t go out with you, she likes tall guys

Going to

Subject + to be + going to + verb + complement

  • I am going to study for my exam tonight
  • My sister is going to start at the UACH next semester
  • We are going to go to the beach in May after the Expogan fair


  • Is she going to come to the party?
  • Are you going to school tomorrow?
  • Are we going to take some time off?


  • I’m not going to stay after class
  • He’s not going to eat all that
  • They are not going to finish the project before the deadline.

En la próxima lección aprenderemos Conjunctions.