
Después de aprender Going to / Future Continuous, en está lección aprenderemos Conjunctions.

Las palabras que conectan palabras, frases, cláusulas u oraciones se llaman Conjunciones (Conjunctions). Los más comunes son «and«, «or» y «but«. Todas estas palabras tienen diferentes matices y connotaciones, pero todas ayudan a construir relaciones significativas dentro de una oración.

Conjunctions List

Hay solo unas pocas Conjunciones (Conjunctions), pero estas palabras cumplen muchas funciones: presentan explicaciones, ideas, excepciones, consecuencias y contrastes. Aquí hay una lista de conjunciones comúnmente usadas en inglés americano:

  • And (y)
  • As (como)
  • Because (porque)
  • But (pero)
  • For (para / por)
  • Just as (tal como)
  • Or (o)
  • Neither (ningún, ninguno, ninguna)
  • Nor (ni)
  • Not only (no solo)
  • So (y / enconteces)
  • Whether (ya sea)
  • Yet (aún / todavía)

Examples of Conjunctions

  • I tried to hit the nail but hit my thumb instead
  • I have two goldfish and a cat
  • I’d like a bike for commuting to work
  • You can have peach ice cream or a brownie sundae
  • Neither the black dress nor the gray one looks right on me
  • My dad always worked hard so we could afford the things we wanted
  • I try very hard in school yet I am not receiving good grades
  • I go to the park every Sunday, for I love to watch the ducks on the lake.
  • I watch the ducks on the lake and the shirtless men playing soccer.
  • I don’t go for the fresh air nor for the ducks; I just like soccer.
  • Soccer is entertaining in winter, but it’s better in the heat of summer.
  • The men play on two teams: shirts or skins.
  • I always take a book to read, yet I never seem to turn a single page.
  • I’m dating one of the players, so I watch the soccer game each week.
  • I go to the park every Sunday, for I love to watch the ducks on the lake.
  • I watch the ducks on the lake and the shirtless men playing soccer.
  • I don’t go for the fresh air nor for the ducks; I just like soccer.
  • Soccer is entertaining in winter, but it’s better in the heat of summer.
  • The men play on two teams: shirts or skins.
  • I always take a book to read, yet I never seem to turn a single page.
  • I’m dating one of the players, so I watch the soccer game each week.

En la próxima lección aprenderemos Stative Verbs.