Después de aprender los Body Verbs, en esta lección aprenderemos Basic Actions.
- Anthony is throwing the football. (throw = lanzar / tirar)
- She accepted the job offer. (accept = aceptar)
- He thinks on how to pass the test. (think = pensar) (pass = pasar)
- John visits his friend for a while and then went home. (visit = visitar)
- The dog runs across the yard. (run = correr)
- She leaves in a hurry. (leave = dejar)
- She yells when she hits her toe. (yell = gritar) (hit = golpear)
- The cat sits by the window. (sit = sentar)
- I’ll play this song on my guitar. (play = jugar)
- He hit a home run at the last game. (hit = golpear)
- In the summer, we will swim in our pool. (swim = nadar)
- Will you help me with the laundry? (help = ayudar)
- He rides his new bike around the block for hours. (ride = montar)
- The horse trots along the trail. (trot = trotar)
- We will eat dinner then will walk around the park. (eat = comer) (walk = caminar)
- Did you fix the mistake in your homework? (fix = arreglar)
- She waits for her friend at the mall. (wait = esperar)
- She lays on the couch and sleeps there all night. (lay = tender) (sleep = dormir)
- Close the door! (close = cerrar)
- The bird sings a cheery song every morning. (sing = cantar)
- The teacher reads a book to her students then asks them questions about the story. (read = leer) (ask = preguntar)
- The roof on the house leaks (leak = tener fuga)
- She opens the window because it’s hot inside (open = abrir)
- The lightning will strike the tree. (strike = golpear)
- They want to buy a new house. (buy = comprar)
En la próxima lección aprenderemos sobre las Survival Phrases.