Uses of Like

Después de aprender Gerunds or Infinitives, en esta lección aprenderemos Uses of Like.

La palabra «like» puede resultar confusa para los estudiantes, ya que tiene muchos significados diferentes en inglés americano. A continuación, tepresentamos cinco de sus usos comunes:


En inglés, «like» es literalmente el verbo «gustar«

  • What do you like to do on Sundays in the evening?
  • Would you like to live in the USA and work?
  • Do you like pizza with anchovies?

2. Preposition

  • a) Physical similarities (looks like)
    • Who do you look like? (usually mother or father)
    • What does he look like?
    • That boy looks like Justin Bieber with that haircut.
  • b) Personality
    • What are you like at home?
    • What is your sister like with her friends?
    • “There’s nobody like you”
  • c) General description
    • What is the weather like in Chihuahua in January?
    • Chihuahua is just like Denver, just smaller.
    • What’s your house like?
    • What was that like? (past situation)
  • d) Conditional mood (would)
    • What would it be like if you lived on the moon?
    • What would it be like you were married with children?
  • e) Comparison (action, personality, appearance, description)
    • My brother walks to school like most of the students.
    • I drink caffeinated coffee unlike my co-workers.
    • They like decaf.
    • Like father like son” (comparing similar attitudes)

3. Before a quantity (approximately)

  • We should meet like at 3:30pm in San Marcos Garden.
  • I have like 320 friends on Facebook.
  • Like how many hours do you spend on Facebook per day?

4. To prefer (feel like)

  • What do you feel like eating today?
  • Do you feel like reading, writing or speaking today?
  • What program do you feel like watching tonight?

5. As a quotative

Like a veces se usa coloquialmente como una cita (una expresión «she said or he goes«, que introduce el habla indirecta) para introducir una cita o suplantación.

  • He was like, «I’ll be back in five minutes.»
  • She was like, «go out!»
  • I was like [speaker rolls eyes].
  • The car was like, «vroom!»

En la próxima lección aprenderemos Modals Verbs of Probability.