Phrasal Verbs

Después de aprender Some / Any / No, en esta lección aprenderemos Phrasal Verbs.

What Is a Phrasal Verb?

Un Phrasal Verbs (verbo compuesto) es una frase que se compone de un verbo y otra palabra o dos, generalmente una preposición pero a veces un adverbio.

Entonces, antes de que podamos hablar sobre los verbos compuestos en inglés, es importante entender qué son los verbos, preposiciones y adverbios.

  • Un verbo es una palabra de acción. Describe algo que sucede (por ejemplo, escuchar, ver), un estado del ser (por ejemplo, vivir, dormir) o una acción que se realiza (por ejemplo, leer, cantar).
  • Una preposición es una palabra que describe la relación entre dos palabras. Por ejemplo, las abejas están encima de la mesa o debajo de la mesa, pero no dentro de la mesa (con suerte). Las preposiciones se refieren principalmente a la ubicación o dirección (por ejemplo, en, a través, alrededor) y el tiempo (por ejemplo, «por» o «alrededor» en un momento determinado).
  • Un adverbio es una palabra que describe un verbo. Por ejemplo, puedes correr rápido o lento y llegar a clase temprano o tarde.

Ahora que sabe qué son los verbos y las preposiciones, está listo para comenzar a juntarlos en verbos compuestos.

Phrasal Verbs más comunes en inglés

Phrasal Verbs Meaning Example
Break Down Stop functioning My car broke down
Bring up Mention a topic She brought up that matter again
Back down withdraw a position We never back down
Beat up punch and kick I got beat up
Blow up Explode They tried to blow up the station
Bump into Meet by accident I bump into my wife at the park
Call off Cancel They call off that meeting
Come across find by chance I was cleaning and I came across my journal
Clean out Clean I was cleaning out the closet
Carry on Continue Sorry , carry on talking!
Drop out Leave school They dropped out of college
Drop by Visit  We just dropped by her house
Find out discovered I found out that she was pregnant
Get out Leave You need to get out of here
Give away Give something for free They are giving away tickets
End up The end result I ended up in another school
Get by survive I have some money to get by
Get over get well Dave has got over the flu
Get along being good friends We get along really well
Get away Escape I got away with murder
Get rid of Eliminate I need to get rid of her
Go over Review I went over the material
Grow up Get older You are 21, Grow up
Give up Stop trying They just gave up
Go out Have a date Do you want to go out with me?
Hang out Spend time I am hanging out with my friends
Hurry up Do something fast We are late, hurry up
Make out Kiss They were making out outside the office
Made up Invent a story She made that up to save herself
Mess up to spoil You are messing things up
Show up Arrive Alex didn’t show up
Pass out Lose consciousness She passed out in front of me
Piss off to  be angry I am really pissed off
Put off Postpone We put off the meetin until Friday
Put up with let happen I won’t put up with my sisters 
Put on Get dressed I put on a sweater
Put out Extinguish The firefighters put out the fire
Run into Meet I ran into my teacher last week
Run out to use all of it We are running out of gas
Take off Remove clothing I took off my jacket 
Turn Down Lower volume Please turn it down
Turn down Reject He was turned down twice
Work out Exercise I am working out right now
Watch out Be aware You better watch out
Work out find a solution We will work something out
Wake up Finish sleeping I woke up at 9

En la próxima lección aprenderemos Going to / Future Continuous.