Reflexive Pronouns

Después de aprender los Object Pronouns, en esta lección aprenderemos los Reflexive Pronouns.

Cuando el Sujeto y el Objeto en una oración se refieren a la misma persona o cosa, usamos un Reflexive Pronouns.

Es la única área de la gramática inglesa que es reflexiva.

I Myself
You Yourself
He Himself
She Herself
It Itself
We Ourselves
You (plural) Yourselves
They Themselves

Si estás utilizando (You) en plural, el pronombre reflexivo es yourselves.

Ejemplos de oraciones que usan Reflexive Pronouns:

  • My daughter likes to dress herself without my help.
  • I taught myself to play the guitar.
  • My cat always licks itself.

When to use reflexive pronouns (Cuándo usar pronombres reflexivos)

1. Cuando el sujeto y el objeto se refieren a la misma persona o cosa.

  • He accidentally cut himself while he was chopping the vegetables.
  • She bought a present for herself.
  • We helped ourselves to the free drinks at the launch party.
  • They injured themselves during the rugby match.
  • I enjoyed myself at the concert.
  • The dog is scratching itself – it must have fleas!

2. Los usamos para enfatizar.

  • ¡La autora me firmó el libro!
  •  Lo hice yo mismo.

3. En algunos casos, lo usamos para tener un significado similar a también.

  • Annabelle was pretty happy last night. I was pretty happy myself.

When NOT to use reflexive pronouns

1. Hay varios verbos en inglés con los que rara vez o nunca usamos pronombres reflexivos (como en otros idiomas).

Estos incluyen: adapt, complain, concentrate, get up, hide, lie down, meet, move, relax, remember, shave, shower, sit down.

2. Después de una preposición de lugar o ubicación, usamos un pronombre personal y no un pronombre reflexivo.

  • He put the backpack next to him.

Ourselves, Themselves and Each Other

Usamos Each Other cuando dos o más personas o cosas realizan la misma acción entre sí.

  • They stared into each other’s eyes.
  • The hate each other.

Y para aclarar el contraste:

  • Mike and Carol bought each other presents for Christmas
    (Mike bought a present for Carol and Carol bought a present for Mike).
  • Mike and Carol bought themselves presents for Christmas
    (Mike bought a present for himself and Carol bought a present for herself).

Pronombres reflexivos con objetos

Usamos verb + reflexive pronoun + objet cuando hacemos algo por nosotros mismos.

  • She cooked herself a quiche.
  • We taught ourselves French.

Usamos verb + objet + reflexive pronoun cuando queremos enfatizar que otra persona no realizó la acción (o asistió).

  • I repaired the tire myself.
  • They did the homework themselves.
  • My brother spoke to his boss himself about a raise.

By + Reflexive Pronouns

Usamos by + myself/yourself/himself, cuando estamos solos o no con otra persona.

  • Jacob went to the party by himself.
  • Emma was sitting by herself.

En la próxima lección aprenderemos Wh Questions.