Body Verbs

Después de aprender sobre el Verb To Be, en esta lección aprenderemos sobre los Body Verbs

English Verbs of Body Movement


wink = cuando cierras un ojo rápidamente (a menudo cuando quieres mostrar que estás diciendo algo falso o gracioso)
“He winked at her and she knew that he was only joking.”

blink = cuando cierra ambos ojos rápidamente (a menudo si la luz es demasiado brillante)
“He took off his glasses and blinked in the strong sunlight.”


smile = abre la boca para mostrar simpatía o porque encuentras algo divertido
“She smiled at his joke.”

bite (bite / bit / bitten) = usa tus dientes para romper algo
She bit into the apple.”

kiss = put your lips together and push them out against someone else’s skin / lips (as a sign of love or affection)
“She kissed her aunt on her cheek.”

swallow = juntar los labios y empujarlos contra la piel / labios de otra persona (como un signo de amor o afecto)
“Drink some water to help you swallow the aspirin.”

sip = beba cantidades muy pequeñas a la vez
“He sipped his coffee as it was very hot.”

lick = usa tu lengua (para comer algo)
“The cat licked its paws.”

blow (blow / blew / blown) = hacer que salga aire de tu boca
“She blew on her fingers to try to keep them warm.”

whistle = junta los labios y haga una melodía mientras sopla el aire
“He always whistles when he’s concentrating on something.”

hum = canta (pero sin las palabras) con la boca cerrada
“He hummed a little song as he drove to work.”

Hands / Fingers

wave = cuando mueves tu mano (o manos) en el aire para llamar la atención o decir adiós
I’m over here!” she cried, as she waved her hands in the air.

stroke = use movimientos largos de su mano por la piel de alguien (o el pelaje de un animal)
“She stroked the cat as it sat on her lap.”

tickle = toque suavemente a alguien para hacerlos reír (porque su piel es sensible)
“She tickled the baby’s feet.”

pat = tocar a alguien o algo ligeramente con la mano abierta
“She patted the child gently on his arm and told him not to worry.”

slap = usa tu mano abierta para golpear a alguien o algo
“He slapped at the mosquitoes.”

punch = usa tu mano cerrada (puño) para golpear a alguien o algo
“When he won the match he punched his fist into the air in victory.”

rip = rasgar algo con ambas manos
“He read the letter then ripped it up.”

scratch = usa tus uñas en algo
“He scratched the insect bite on his arm.”

grab = toma algo rápido con tu mano
“There was only one sandwich left on the plate and she grabbed it before her brother could get it.”

flick = aleja algo pequeño de ti con el pulgar y el dedo medio
“She flicked away the bug which was moving towards her.”

Legs and feet

tap = mueve tus pies al ritmo de la música
“He tapped his feet as he listened to the dance music.”

kick = usa tus pies para hacer que algo se mueva
“The little boy kicked the stones at his feet.”

limp = camina con dificultad porque su pierna o pie está lesionado
He fell off his bicycle and limped home.”

paddle = caminar en el mar con los pies descalzos (pero aún con pantalones, etc.)
“The water was too cold for swimming, so they just paddled in the sea for a few minutes.”

En la próxima lección aprenderemos sobre las Basic Actions.